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美国著名长笛独奏家罗伯特-斯托曼 Robert Stallman


  后赴法国巴黎音乐学院继续深造, 师从让-皮埃尔-郎帕尔和阿兰-马利翁。斯托曼先生目前不仅是国际上知名的长笛独奏家和室内乐演奏家, 也是一位长笛教育家, 定期在世界各国举办长笛大师班, 同时他也是一位长笛音乐的编辑者, 他出版的乐谱极大的丰富了长笛的独奏曲目。

  他与世界各大交响乐团合作演出并录制了大量的长笛CD, 他们是费城交响乐团, 美国交响乐团, 荷兰国家交响乐团, 伦敦交响乐团, 布拉格交响乐团,纽约林肯中心室内乐团等。





  1. 斯托曼先生是一位不同寻常的天才长笛家,虽然他很天才,但他正真让人惊叹之处是他的敏锐艺术才华。 [伦敦星期日报]
  2. 让我热情推荐长笛爱好者们去倾听甜美流畅的长笛演奏------美国长笛家罗伯特-斯托曼是著名的长笛家让-皮埃尔-郎帕尔的学生,
  正如他老师预言他将是位新星。 [英国新堡晚报]
  3. 斯托曼先生有着甜美的长笛音色,高超技巧和充足的想象力,他的演奏是音乐会中的精彩高潮。 [东京读卖新闻]
  4. 金色圆润透明的长笛音色,罗伯特-斯托曼融合了温暖和辉煌的活力,演奏家典雅,柔和, 敏锐征服了我们。 [法国记者报]
  5. 美国长笛家斯托曼的辉煌演奏无与伦比。 [芬兰日报]
  6. 罗伯特-斯托曼的长笛会唱歌,他的音色非常甜美,从未有过的精致的演奏家。 [纽约时报]
  7. 罗伯特-斯托曼是个完美造诣的艺术家。 [美国录音指南]
  8. 高尔威很有名,但我更愿意听斯托曼圆润的音色和精彩的演奏。 [美国丹佛日报]
  9. 他是一位惊人的长笛家,高超的技巧,交错的情感。 [美国管乐杂志]
  10.罗伯特是一位受尊敬的大师级演奏家。 [加拿大日报]

Stallman is no ordinary virtuoso of the flute, though virtuoso he emphatically is.
He dazzles because of his penetrating artistry.² The Sunday Times/London
Super Flute: Let me urge fans to hear the sweet and supple flute playing of Robert Stallman...American Stallman was a pupil of the celebrated - Jean-Pierre
Rampal who rightly predicted what a star he would become.The Newcastle Evening Chronicle/United Kingdom
Stallman has a beautiful tone, wonderful technique and an abundant imagination. His performance was the highlight of the concert; Ongaku no Tomo/Tokyo
I am so glad to know that America now has a flutist of this order; Record Geijutsu/Tokyo
To his golden roundness and transparency of sound, Robert Stallman fuses a warm and brilliant energy, elegant suppleness of elocution and a sensitivity that conquers us; Repertoire/France
In Stallman we have a choice musician and one of consummate virtuosity. His musical sense expresses itself through intelligent nuances and a remarkable sonority; Repertoire/France
The American flutist Robert Stallman played with a liveliness and brilliance that was incomparable. Kaleva/Finland
Stallman's flute sang fluently...the sound was so sweet, one could not have asked to hear a finer player.; The New York Times/USA
Robert Stallman is a consummate artist.; American Record Guide/USA
Galway is more famous, but I would much rather listen to
Stallman's rounded tone and stylish playing.;The Denver Post/USA
He is a fabulous flutist...superb technical skills, staggering emotional power; Fanfare Magazine/USA
A masterful player in every respect.; The Calgary Herald/Canada
Robert Stallman is a virtuoso of ethereal vigor.; Canadian Voices/Canada

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