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2010 Music China Fringe Program Schedule

2010年10月12日    来源:神州乐器网    收藏:分享到空间 百度收藏 新浪ViVi yahoo 添加到google 转帖到开心网 转帖到人人网 转帖到豆瓣
 (5)        MI Industry seminar (Invitation only)
Time:   14:00 16:30, 13 October
Location: Meeting room E3-M23
Topic:  Adult Music Penetration
Moderator:   Mr. Zeng Zemin, Secretary General of China Musical Instrument Association
Language:  Mandarin / English
Company / Title
I Keynote Address
Mr. An Zhi
President of China Musical instrument Association
Current Situation of music education for Adults and analysis of China MI market
Mr. Joe Lamond
CEO and President of NAMM
Public Relationship and Music Penetration
Key Speech
Mr. Huang Maoqiang
President of Sub-Committee for Music Retailers of China Musical Instrument Association
Tactics for integration and utilization of music education resources from local community
Mr. Synésio batista da Costa 
President of ABEMUSICA
The trends and practices of the penetration of adult music education in South America
Mr. Wu Bin 
Vice presidentand Secretary General of Music Education Branch of Chinese Society of Music Education, Editor-in-chief of < China Music Education>
The trends and characteristics of the music education in China
Mr. Li Min
Dean of Piano Department of China Conservatory
Education on music talents and setting up of their own businesses
Mr. Zhao Yi Tian      Mr. Simon Wei
Chairman of icanmusic Co., Ltd
CEO of icanmusic Co., Ltd
Cross-section music Penetration program
III Discussion and Project interchange
(6) CMIA Retailer Forum
Time:             09:45 – 12:30, 14 October
Venue:           Meeting Room E1-M16
Language:      Mandarin
Part 1: Keynote addresses
Mr. Zeng Zemin
Secretary General of China Musical instrument Association
The state of MI market- Traits, Demands and Tactics
Ms Zhu Wenyu
General Manager of Shanghai Best Friend Music Co., LTD
The future trends of MI market
Part 2: Panel Discussion
Time:       10:40 12:30, 14 October
Topic:        MI Market Expansion and Merchandising Innovation
Moderator:     Mr Feng Yuankai, Director of Information Department, China Musical Instrument Association
Mr. Huang Maoqiang
General Manager of Sichuan Shengyin Music
Ms. Cheng Jinyuan
Editor-in-chief of Music Instrument Magazine
Mr. He Hao
General Manager of Yinkeke Co., Ltd
Mr. Lan Rongliang
Executive Director of Shenzhen Hele Culture Propagation Co., Ltd
Mr. Jack Zeng
General Manager of Xing Ye Piano Web / Editor-in-chief of “Piano Zine” Magazine
(7)  Master Classes
Time:     14 October
Venue:   Meeting Room E2-M18
Language:   Mandarin
1)        Master class – Mr. Fang Jinlong
Time:          13:30 – 15:00
Topic:           Pursuit of happiness - A music tour 
Speaker:           Mr. Fang Jinlong, Pipa Guru
2)        Master class – Mr. Zheng Quan
Time:          11:00 – 12:00
Topic:         Future trends on international violin development - from the perspective of violin making competitions
Speaker:      Mr. Zheng Quan, Professor from Central Conservatory of Music & Director of Violin-maker research Center
3)        Master class – Mr. He Zhanhao
Time:          13:30 – 15:00
Topic:           Relationship between music rhythm and music image creation
Speaker:           Mr. He Zhanhao, World-class Composer
4)        Master class – Mr. Scott Cao
Time:          15:15 – 16:45
Topic:           Effect of Humidity and Rainy Weather on stringed instruments
Speaker:      Mr. Scott Cao, Executive of Universal Strings Society of America
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